Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Back in Cincinnati

After a nice trip to Des Moines, Susan, Andrew, and I are back in Cincinnati. We came back to a very wet city, but the good weather is here now (though maybe not for long).

We had a great trip to Des Moines, even though Andrew had a few rough days. My biggest fear on this trip is always the drive and this was the most successful trip we have had yet, in that regard. On the way home we only had to stop once and made it in 8:45 (you do the math).

Now that we are back we have our hands full with things to do around the house. We need to get things ready for the new kid and also start doing some maintenance outside now that spring is here. Since there was a creek in our laundry room when we returned, one of the first things we need to do is get up a gutter over our back porch which will hook into a rain barrel.

That's it for now. Thanks for checkin' in.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

New Look

After many months with the same blog template, I finally decided to take a chance on my own. Let me know if you notice anything weird.

You know where to reach me: in my cubicle.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Spring Fever

It has been a long time, but there is a reason for that: I am lazy.

That, and nothing major in the past few weeks. Susan, Andrew, and I have been busy hanging out with friends, getting the house ready for the new kid, and getting ready to have the new kid. In case you didn't know, Susan and I are into natural childbirth. More specifically, the Bradley Method. We are also going to be enlisting the services of a doula this time around, to help us out.

As for around the house, we finally moved the TV to the basement and got another twin bed for the upstairs bedroom. We have no clue who is going to sleep there, but it seems fairly likely that someone will. In April we need to paint one more room and a hallway. We should probably paint another wall also, but I am not too sure how much time we are going to have to get all this done. Especially since I am eager to start doing some work outside. I need to get our compost pile set up better and I also want to install a rain barrel in our back yard.

Susan is going to be finishing up her classes in May, so we can already count on two (2) hands the total number of classes she has left. She is also taking a prenatal yoga class on Saturdays that seems pretty nice.

Susan and Andrew have also begun the Parents & Tots Program at the Cincinnati Waldorf School. They have only been to one class so far, and Susan already accidentally left her folder there and took someone else's felt egg. I hope they don't get expelled.

Andrew is beginning to talk a lot more. He isn't quite ready for Hamlet's soliloquy yet, but he is definitely learning to get his point across. One really cute thing he did recently was when we were on a walk in the park a few days ago. He was picking up leaves and trying to put them back on the trees.

Drop us a line. (It's the least you can do. Unless you are one of Susan's friends and you call all the time, but she never calls you back, in which case, sorry.) UPDATE: I told Susan about this comment, and she said that if you want to know what is going on then call me, because I will call you back. The downside to this is that you will have to talk with me, which is not quite the same.