Friday, March 23, 2007

One Month

Elliot is a little over a month now, and things are chugging along. Elliot just had his one month checkup and he is developing appropriately. It looks like his eye are going to be a dark brown, and the dr thinks that he has my nose. His head is not as large as Andrew & Mari's were, and we fear that he is going to get my nose and Susan's head. Poor kid.

We are wrapping up a pretty crazy week. Andrew and Mari were both sick starting last Saturday and lasting until mid-week. We even had to take Mari in to the Dr to make sure that she was not dehydrated, which she wasn't. they are both feeling better now, though they are still really whiny.

The warm weather has been a nice help to get things back on track. We have been trying to spend some time outside to keep the kids entertained and not needing to be held the whole time.

We have had some showings of the house, but still not much doin' there.

Later. . .

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Three Weeks

We are three weeks into it now, and things are going petty well. I am back to work full time, and Susan this is the first week that Susan has been home by herself with all three kids.

The weather has been making things a little easier. Since it has been so warm Susan and the kids have been able to spend a lot of time outside, which makes everyone happier. Last night we even got out for our first family walk of the year, which is nice. It is supposed to be warm again today, but then it will get cold again. I guess it is still winter, so I can't complain too much.

Elliot is doing well. He is awake a lot and fights sleep like Andrew used to. He has been doing OK at night, usually having one wakeful period.

Catch ya later. . .

Monday, March 12, 2007

Quick Hits

  • I put some new photos up in the 2007 gallery.
  • Andrew took off all of his clothes yesterday -- in the back yard -- and declared that it was summer. About two minutes later he told me he was cold and he wanted to get his clothes back on.

Friday, March 9, 2007

What's in a name?

A lot of people have been asking where got Elliot's name.

No where. We just like the name. The 'John' part comes from one of Susan's Grandpas, I believe.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Two Weeks

Elliot is two weeks old now, which is pretty exciting. He has changed a lot over the past week. He is starting to be awake for long stretches at a time. He usually is up all morning, sleeps all afternoon, is up again in the evening, and then is "asleep for the night" by 11. He appears to be a little like Andrew was when he was little. Elliot likes to be able to see what is going on and seems to get over-stimulated when we are out in large groups.

Andrew and Mari are still showing some signs of stress. They have both been getting up really early and have been fairly needy during the day. I need to get their sleeping straightened out by the time Susan's parents leave, so they are a less fussy and clingy during the day.

I am back to work now, working a half-day yesterday and a full day today. This week shouldn't be bad since Susan's parents are in town, but next week should be interesting.

Later. . .

Thursday, March 1, 2007

February Baby

It's now March, and Susan and I are both thrilled to have a February baby. If Elliot was as late as Mari was, then Susan would still be pregnant, which would not be much fun at this point.

Elliot is nine days old now, and things are getting a little more settled. The kids are sleeping well, which means that they are in a good mood during the day. There was a stretch where they were not sleeping well and were a little crazy during the day.

Elliot is doing well. He has a little cold, which he is handling well. He is getting used to his bodily functions. In general, he is pretty mellow. He definitely sleeps more than our others did and does not require as much walking around. His presence at family dinners has been a pleasant one, since he has either been sleeping or just chillin' out.

Other than Elliot, there is not much going on. I am going to be headed back to work next week. There should hopefully be some visitors on the way soon, but the weather is not helping with that.

That's all for now. We'll keep you updated.