Friday, December 11, 2009

The Return to School

After two snow days Andrew and Mari were back in school today. There is a lot of snow around town and in our yard. Some reports say we got 16", but it is hard to tell because there were also high winds so there are a lot of large drifts. Temps this weekend are supposed to be in the upper 20's, so hopefully we will be able to get out and do some sledding.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Our third snowfall of the year has started. We actually got our first snow two months ago, on Andrew's birthday. He was supposed to have a soccer game that day, but it was cancelled. We had some more snow a few days ago, but it was mostly flurries and didn't amount to much. It looks like we will get an inch or two tonight, with more coming Tuesday.

The Cincinnatian in me still loves the snow. I suppose at some point I will get used to the fact that it is a more regular occurrence in IA. Hopefully the kids will be able to get out to play in it over the next few days.

Welcome, Winter

We had a bit of a Winter welcoming this weekend, and just in time.
  • Last week we put up our outdoor decorations.
  • Saturday morning we got our tree, and put the lights on.
  • Saturday night we celebrated Wintergarten with the Des Moines Waldorf Association.
  • Sunday morning we prepared for the Winter term of Susan's Bean Sprout Parents & Tots class.
  • Sunday afternoon we went to Winter Magic at the Des Moines Art Center.
  • Sunday evening, just as some snow flakes were beginning to fall, we lit a fire in the fireplace and decorated our tree.

I will get some pictures up ASAP. Our computers are our of commission right now.