Now that Mari is officially 6 months old, we have officially begun to feed her. Her first food was sweet potato, and yesterday Susan gave her a little rice cereal. Before we know it, I'm sure she'll be eating pizza with the rest of us.
The holidays have brought some busy times upon us, as we have more to do than usual. We took last Sunday off, and didn't leave the house one time. I think I should have at least gone to the grocery store. Oh well.
Andrew finally found his way into the recording studio. If you want to hear some of his work, check out the Cute Kids page on our website.
We'll keep you updated.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Friday, December 9, 2005
More Teeth!

We had our first big snowfall yesterday, which was nice. It did take me one-and-a-half hours to get home from work, but I'll take it considering it took some of my coworkers even longer.
Kathie is in town for a week, which means a clean house, some good cooking, and Andrew has someone else to play with.
We have a few holiday parties this weekend, which should be fun.
I put some new pics up at our picture website. Click here to check them out.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Daily Schedule
I thought it would be fun to tell you what our daily weekday schedule is like. Here you go:
Mari usually wakes up between 6:00 and 7:30. I take her downstairs, and Susan rolls over to nurse Andrew, who is still sleeping. Mari and I hang out downstairs, washing diapers, cleaning the kitchen, showering, listening to NPR, and listening for Andrew. Usually Mari falls asleep after about 45 minutes, and I am able to lay her down. If Andrew wakes up before she goes down for nap 1, then she is usually up longer. Andrew usually gets out of bed between 7 and 8.
Once Andrew is up, I get a lot less done. Usually we eat some breakfast. If Mari is still awake, then this is usually when she falls asleep. Then we all read/build a train/play with toys. I wake Susan up between 8:20 and 8:30, then it is off to work for me. Mari's first nap usually only lasts about 45 minutes, so she is usually up before I head off to work.
Susan and the kids usually do one out-of-the-house activity in the morning. This could include going to the library, museum, zoo, or a friends house. They come home, eat some lunch, and then it is time for naps. Mari falls asleep first, then Susan has to get Andrew to bed before Mari wakes up, which could be anywhere from 30 to 45 mins. Once they are all awake, they usually just hang out, playing, wandering around the neighborhood.
I work until 4:30, so I am home by five. We make dinner, eat it, and then we usually do an evening activity. This could include visiting family or friends, shopping, or walking. By 8:30 we usually head upstairs and put some diapers and pajamas on the kids. I rock Andrew to bed, while Susan gets Mari to sleep downstairs. After the kids are asleep, we usually watch TV for an hour or two, then head to bed ourselves, to do it all again.
Other random notes:
Mari usually wakes up between 6:00 and 7:30. I take her downstairs, and Susan rolls over to nurse Andrew, who is still sleeping. Mari and I hang out downstairs, washing diapers, cleaning the kitchen, showering, listening to NPR, and listening for Andrew. Usually Mari falls asleep after about 45 minutes, and I am able to lay her down. If Andrew wakes up before she goes down for nap 1, then she is usually up longer. Andrew usually gets out of bed between 7 and 8.
Once Andrew is up, I get a lot less done. Usually we eat some breakfast. If Mari is still awake, then this is usually when she falls asleep. Then we all read/build a train/play with toys. I wake Susan up between 8:20 and 8:30, then it is off to work for me. Mari's first nap usually only lasts about 45 minutes, so she is usually up before I head off to work.
Susan and the kids usually do one out-of-the-house activity in the morning. This could include going to the library, museum, zoo, or a friends house. They come home, eat some lunch, and then it is time for naps. Mari falls asleep first, then Susan has to get Andrew to bed before Mari wakes up, which could be anywhere from 30 to 45 mins. Once they are all awake, they usually just hang out, playing, wandering around the neighborhood.
I work until 4:30, so I am home by five. We make dinner, eat it, and then we usually do an evening activity. This could include visiting family or friends, shopping, or walking. By 8:30 we usually head upstairs and put some diapers and pajamas on the kids. I rock Andrew to bed, while Susan gets Mari to sleep downstairs. After the kids are asleep, we usually watch TV for an hour or two, then head to bed ourselves, to do it all again.
Other random notes:
- Mari and Andrew are now wearing the same size disposable diaper
- Andrew still loves to sing, and Mari loves to hear it
- That's all I have for now. Until next time . . .
Friday, November 11, 2005
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
We Did It
I know what you are thinking ("Of course you did, you have two kids.") We bought a cell phone. I have been an active opponent to cell-phone use (or over-use) for a while, especially when someone is on my couch, but I caved. Susan and I decided that it would be nice to be reachable when we are out on a date (and I like her having the extra bit of security during her normal existence). I would post the number, but we only have 268 minutes left for the whole year.
We have all really enjoyed the warm weather the past week has brought, but that is about to come to an end, which means more time inside, and maybe more time playing in the toy department at Target. It was great weather for gathering/playing-with leaves and destinationless walks around our block.
As winter approaches I am more excited about next spring's outdoor projects than this winter's indoor ones. Maybe I need to come up with a more concrete plan for the winter.
Mari is in the early stages of sitting. She is getting stronger and stronger every day. Her coordination is improving.
Andrew is still Andrew. Still loves pizza, Simon & Rachel, and Pony Rides. Counting is getting better. He hated his last haircut(means), as well as mine(end).
We have all really enjoyed the warm weather the past week has brought, but that is about to come to an end, which means more time inside, and maybe more time playing in the toy department at Target. It was great weather for gathering/playing-with leaves and destinationless walks around our block.
As winter approaches I am more excited about next spring's outdoor projects than this winter's indoor ones. Maybe I need to come up with a more concrete plan for the winter.
Mari is in the early stages of sitting. She is getting stronger and stronger every day. Her coordination is improving.
Andrew is still Andrew. Still loves pizza, Simon & Rachel, and Pony Rides. Counting is getting better. He hated his last haircut(means), as well as mine(end).
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Daylight Saving Time
Nothing like getting up at 4:30 in the morning, before Morning Edition, before the local news shows start in the morning, and long before The Home Depot even opens. Before work today I managed to: dry the diapers, watch some TV, take a nap (for about 15 minutes), go to the grocery store, clean up from last nights dinner, eat breakfast, get Mari down for not one, but two naps, and go to the bank. Not bad for a Tuesday morning. The only thing that I didn't get done this morning was a little reading, but I guess that is my fault for opting to nap, which is always a good idea at 5:15.
Other than getting up early (and going to bed early) things are going well. Andrew had a fun/cute halloween, although he was very tired. He is starting this thing where when he gets tired at night he looks like a bored student in a three-hour class. He kinda slouches/hunches/nods into a strange state of awakenessitude.
Mari is getting bigger at an alarming rate. She is interacting a lot more and is playing with some toys. She will shortly be wearing the same size diaper as Andrew.
Other than getting up early (and going to bed early) things are going well. Andrew had a fun/cute halloween, although he was very tired. He is starting this thing where when he gets tired at night he looks like a bored student in a three-hour class. He kinda slouches/hunches/nods into a strange state of awakenessitude.
Mari is getting bigger at an alarming rate. She is interacting a lot more and is playing with some toys. She will shortly be wearing the same size diaper as Andrew.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Two Announcements
Monday, October 17, 2005
AMEN! ! ! ! ! !
Susan, Andrew, Mari and I tried to go to church last night. We usually hang out in the back of church, where Andrew can run around and be crazy without causing too much trouble, but last night we decided to try to sit in the actual church, near the back, of course, where we could escape if need be. Things started well with the opening song, as Andrew likes to sing and watch musicians. After the song Andrew began to clap and screamed "Yea!", he was smart enough to stop quickly when he realized he was the only one cheering.
After that Fr. B led everyone in a short prayer, throughout which Andrew kept yelling "Amen!" We tried to get him to whisper, but it did not work. We decided to head back to our normal spot in the back of the church, where Andrew could express himself more freely. The problem was that there was a display set up for Habitat for Humanity that Andrew really wanted to play with, so Susan and I decided that maybe it was time that we sent him over to the childcare.
Susan offered to take him, but she was holding a sleeping Mari, so I took him over. We got to the room where the childcare is and there were about eight kids playing with various toys. I introduced Andrew to the two ladies watching the kids and Andrew headed over to play. I stayed there for a few minutes while he played and he appeared to be doing well, so I decided to head out. I said bye to Andrew and explained that we would be right across the street at church and he could stay here and play. He said "bye" (like he usually does), but as soon as I stepped out the door I could hear him screaming. So I went back in to help calm him down. We stayed and played for a while, but it was obvious that he was not going to let me leave, so I took him back over to church.
When we got back to church, he behaved much better, for about five minutes. Then it was back to running around. The biggest challenge was trying to explain the difference between the baptismal pool and the swimming pool that he played in last weekend. He wanted to sit on the side of the baptismal pool with his feet in the water.
Anyway, that was church. Sleep was also an adventure last night, as Andrew was wide awake at 3:30 in the morning and spent the second half of the night with his head half-buried under my pillow.
Mari is doing well. Her thighs continue to develop very well. She is sleeping and nursing a little less, which is nice. She is also getting to the point where she likes some company in the car, so Susan or I usually sit in the back with her and Andrew. I remember that we did this with Andrew for a while. Like all things parenting, this too shall pass.
After that Fr. B led everyone in a short prayer, throughout which Andrew kept yelling "Amen!" We tried to get him to whisper, but it did not work. We decided to head back to our normal spot in the back of the church, where Andrew could express himself more freely. The problem was that there was a display set up for Habitat for Humanity that Andrew really wanted to play with, so Susan and I decided that maybe it was time that we sent him over to the childcare.
Susan offered to take him, but she was holding a sleeping Mari, so I took him over. We got to the room where the childcare is and there were about eight kids playing with various toys. I introduced Andrew to the two ladies watching the kids and Andrew headed over to play. I stayed there for a few minutes while he played and he appeared to be doing well, so I decided to head out. I said bye to Andrew and explained that we would be right across the street at church and he could stay here and play. He said "bye" (like he usually does), but as soon as I stepped out the door I could hear him screaming. So I went back in to help calm him down. We stayed and played for a while, but it was obvious that he was not going to let me leave, so I took him back over to church.
When we got back to church, he behaved much better, for about five minutes. Then it was back to running around. The biggest challenge was trying to explain the difference between the baptismal pool and the swimming pool that he played in last weekend. He wanted to sit on the side of the baptismal pool with his feet in the water.
Anyway, that was church. Sleep was also an adventure last night, as Andrew was wide awake at 3:30 in the morning and spent the second half of the night with his head half-buried under my pillow.
Mari is doing well. Her thighs continue to develop very well. She is sleeping and nursing a little less, which is nice. She is also getting to the point where she likes some company in the car, so Susan or I usually sit in the back with her and Andrew. I remember that we did this with Andrew for a while. Like all things parenting, this too shall pass.
- B.Y.O.P. this weekend.
- We are expanding the garden in our back yard to add some flowers.
- Andrew likes to play the harmonica.
- Mari is four months old today, and sees the doc tomorrow.
- Andrew weighed in at 24 lbs last week at the Dr, three pounds less than one-year-old Andrew Kinne, whose 1st birthday party we attended last weekend.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Andrew is TWO! ! ! ! !
Andrew turns two today, which is exciting. His birthday is a lot different this year, as he is able to understand a little more. He is excited about singing, presents, cake. . . all those good things.
We just got back from a great trip to Champaign, IL with the Des Moines extension of our family. We met at a hotel on Friday night and spent the weekend hanging out. Susan's favorite times were in the morning when everyone was just hanging out (and synchronized swimming). I really enjoyed the birthday party that everyone put together for Andrew. Click here for some pics.
Andrew and Mari have been doing great and did very well on the trip. Mari slept well in the car, and they both slept well at the hotel.
Mari is getting more and more fun every day. She is interacting a lot now and loves to smile, when she is in a good mood. She still spends a lot of time sleeping, but I bet that will change over the next few months.
The next few weeks bring some fun times, but nothing major. We'll keep you updated.
Click here to view some updated pics of Andrew and Mari.
We just got back from a great trip to Champaign, IL with the Des Moines extension of our family. We met at a hotel on Friday night and spent the weekend hanging out. Susan's favorite times were in the morning when everyone was just hanging out (and synchronized swimming). I really enjoyed the birthday party that everyone put together for Andrew. Click here for some pics.
Andrew and Mari have been doing great and did very well on the trip. Mari slept well in the car, and they both slept well at the hotel.
Mari is getting more and more fun every day. She is interacting a lot now and loves to smile, when she is in a good mood. She still spends a lot of time sleeping, but I bet that will change over the next few months.
The next few weeks bring some fun times, but nothing major. We'll keep you updated.
Click here to view some updated pics of Andrew and Mari.
Friday, September 30, 2005
We Love to Rock
In order to keep pace with our rocking chair needs, Susan and I just purchased two collapsible rocking chairs from They will hopefully arrive in the next few days, so that we can try them out and see how we like them. Assuming that we keep these two, we will then own seven rockers. Not too shabby.
Anyway, life is good: hanging out, walking, growing, getting out of bed too early, whining, washing diapers, planning our new front yard. The usual.
Anyway, life is good: hanging out, walking, growing, getting out of bed too early, whining, washing diapers, planning our new front yard. The usual.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Waiting 'til the Last Minute
Well, after flip-flopping for a few days, and finally coming to a decision, I changed my mind one last time, loaded myself and Andrew into Simon and Rachel's car, and headed to Cleveland for Steve and Tricia's wedding. Susan hung back in Cincy with Mari, who has recently come down with an annoying cold.
Our trip to Cleveland went well. Andrew had a great car trip (mostly because Rachel has an incredible ability to entertain him). Andrew, Simon, Ben and I grabbed a quick bite to eat at a Friendly's in Cleveland (which was incredible). Then, we headed to the wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony, and luckily, it was also quick. It was over just in time for Andrew to run outside and stretch his legs. Steve and Tricia did a tremendous job designing a ceremony that accurately represents their relationship. Andrew lasted until about ten at the reception, then we headed West to Mike Roman's parents' house, where Andrew slept, and I got to enjoy getting to know Mike's family. We headed home the next morning. Overall, the trip was a success.
The next few weeks bring Susan's parents to town, Susan's birthday, Mari's baptism, and hopefully, some great walking weather.
We'll keep you updated.
Our trip to Cleveland went well. Andrew had a great car trip (mostly because Rachel has an incredible ability to entertain him). Andrew, Simon, Ben and I grabbed a quick bite to eat at a Friendly's in Cleveland (which was incredible). Then, we headed to the wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony, and luckily, it was also quick. It was over just in time for Andrew to run outside and stretch his legs. Steve and Tricia did a tremendous job designing a ceremony that accurately represents their relationship. Andrew lasted until about ten at the reception, then we headed West to Mike Roman's parents' house, where Andrew slept, and I got to enjoy getting to know Mike's family. We headed home the next morning. Overall, the trip was a success.
The next few weeks bring Susan's parents to town, Susan's birthday, Mari's baptism, and hopefully, some great walking weather.
We'll keep you updated.
Friday, September 2, 2005
I've Come to a Decision
All right. After weighing my options, and looking around. I have found a suitable program to host my own pictures. Here is a link:
Monday, August 29, 2005
The Real World
As many of you know, Susan and I met at Camp Andrew Jackson (a little over four years ago). When I worked at camp, and when I would go down to help out with retreats. I would always think of the drive back to Cincinnati as returning to the real world. Being down at camp was always like a great retreat, where I would be able to focus in on the things that really matter. Now I have two kids, a 9-5 job, and a mortgage. The real world is more real than ever.
This past weekend was a great way for me to bring the real world with me, as Susan, Andrew, Mari, and I headed south, for the Clear Creek Music Festival. If you missed it in earlier posts, the Clear Creek Music Festival is organized by one of our favorite bands: Zoe Speaks. They host the festival on land that they own, about fifteen minutes outside of Berea. It is a fairly small festival, where most people camp (we stayed in a hotel in Berea, but we hope to be able to camp next year) and the only running water comes from a spring.
We went down on Saturday and attended the festival all day Saturday. Sunday we stopped by the festival early, for one last visit, then we went to camp, just to walk around and finally introduce Andrew to his namesake. We stopped at Papaleno's for some pizza, and then came back north.
Looking back on this past weekend. It hardly seems real. As I sit in my cubicle and type this, I can only imagine the experience: driving down KY highways, then onto KY backroads, then down a gravel/dirt road, parking in a makeshift parking lot, walking down the trail into an open expanse of terraced hillside. The seating area in front of me, focusing on a homemade stage composed of rough-cut trees, powered by a generator. Pottery, tamales, lemonade, jewelry. Leftovers from the pot-luck the night before. Kids running everywhere. Pick-up trucks. Tents. All set against a beautiful backdrop of folk and bluegrass music, against an even bigger backdrop of wooded hillside. Open-mic contrasts Scooter, the beer-bellied, jolly man, who spent the night sleeping next to the fire, with a log for a pillow, with a four-year-old girl, singing Que Sera Sera. Andrew running, exploring, learning. Mari along for the ride, refusing to sleep for fear of missing something. As night falls Mitch & Carla finally take the stage. Susan and I are exhausted, Andrew is whiney, Mari still won't sleep. As they take the stage the magic begins to settle in. It takes them a while to get tuned. Mitch breaks a guitar string. Carla can't find her pick. Finally, they start with some new stuff, and some covers. The moment I remember most is standing, holding Andrew, next to Susan, who was holding Mari. Mitch & Carla played my favorite song: "Money's Our God."
We work hard for what we've got,
Seems like we just need a lot.
Debts keep risin' 'bove our heads,
I wish that we could save instead.
Say money's our God, makes our decisions,
But if money's our God, I want a new religion.
Daycare, carpool, traffic jam.
Daddy's workin' late again.
Our kids are raised by someone else,
I'd rather be with them myself.
Say money's our God, makes our decisions,
But if money's our God, I want a new religion.
I fall down on my bills and pray,
We'll get out of this debt some day.
How much stuff do we think we need?
Grandma would have called it greed.
Tell me what we're workin' for.
I never see you anymore.
Say money's our God, makes our decisions,
But if money's our God, I want a new religion.
After a great set, Mitch and Carla vacated the stage for the next act; we headed back to the hotel to get some sleep.
As I rocked Andrew to sleep last night, I thought about what an amazing time it was, and what an amazing life I have. People always ask me, and I sometimes ask myself, "Five years ago, is this where you would have pictured yourself?" The answer is always "no." I never could have dreamed things would be this great.
I posted some pics from the trip, which you can see here: Clear Creek & Camp AJ.
The next few weeks have more adventures for us: from the daily challenge of getting Andrew to take a nap, to a trip to Cleveland.
As always (though not very well in the past month), we'll keep you updated.
Zoe Speaks dot Com
Clear Creek & Camp AJ Pics
This past weekend was a great way for me to bring the real world with me, as Susan, Andrew, Mari, and I headed south, for the Clear Creek Music Festival. If you missed it in earlier posts, the Clear Creek Music Festival is organized by one of our favorite bands: Zoe Speaks. They host the festival on land that they own, about fifteen minutes outside of Berea. It is a fairly small festival, where most people camp (we stayed in a hotel in Berea, but we hope to be able to camp next year) and the only running water comes from a spring.
We went down on Saturday and attended the festival all day Saturday. Sunday we stopped by the festival early, for one last visit, then we went to camp, just to walk around and finally introduce Andrew to his namesake. We stopped at Papaleno's for some pizza, and then came back north.
Looking back on this past weekend. It hardly seems real. As I sit in my cubicle and type this, I can only imagine the experience: driving down KY highways, then onto KY backroads, then down a gravel/dirt road, parking in a makeshift parking lot, walking down the trail into an open expanse of terraced hillside. The seating area in front of me, focusing on a homemade stage composed of rough-cut trees, powered by a generator. Pottery, tamales, lemonade, jewelry. Leftovers from the pot-luck the night before. Kids running everywhere. Pick-up trucks. Tents. All set against a beautiful backdrop of folk and bluegrass music, against an even bigger backdrop of wooded hillside. Open-mic contrasts Scooter, the beer-bellied, jolly man, who spent the night sleeping next to the fire, with a log for a pillow, with a four-year-old girl, singing Que Sera Sera. Andrew running, exploring, learning. Mari along for the ride, refusing to sleep for fear of missing something. As night falls Mitch & Carla finally take the stage. Susan and I are exhausted, Andrew is whiney, Mari still won't sleep. As they take the stage the magic begins to settle in. It takes them a while to get tuned. Mitch breaks a guitar string. Carla can't find her pick. Finally, they start with some new stuff, and some covers. The moment I remember most is standing, holding Andrew, next to Susan, who was holding Mari. Mitch & Carla played my favorite song: "Money's Our God."
We work hard for what we've got,
Seems like we just need a lot.
Debts keep risin' 'bove our heads,
I wish that we could save instead.
Say money's our God, makes our decisions,
But if money's our God, I want a new religion.
Daycare, carpool, traffic jam.
Daddy's workin' late again.
Our kids are raised by someone else,
I'd rather be with them myself.
Say money's our God, makes our decisions,
But if money's our God, I want a new religion.
I fall down on my bills and pray,
We'll get out of this debt some day.
How much stuff do we think we need?
Grandma would have called it greed.
Tell me what we're workin' for.
I never see you anymore.
Say money's our God, makes our decisions,
But if money's our God, I want a new religion.
After a great set, Mitch and Carla vacated the stage for the next act; we headed back to the hotel to get some sleep.
As I rocked Andrew to sleep last night, I thought about what an amazing time it was, and what an amazing life I have. People always ask me, and I sometimes ask myself, "Five years ago, is this where you would have pictured yourself?" The answer is always "no." I never could have dreamed things would be this great.
I posted some pics from the trip, which you can see here: Clear Creek & Camp AJ.
The next few weeks have more adventures for us: from the daily challenge of getting Andrew to take a nap, to a trip to Cleveland.
As always (though not very well in the past month), we'll keep you updated.
Zoe Speaks dot Com
Clear Creek & Camp AJ Pics
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The Heat Wave
The past week has been the most challenging we have had since Mari was born. Aside from the fact that it has been incredibly hot out, Mari and Andrew have been keeping things interesting for us.
Mari has been a little fussy, but not too bad. She still likes to sleep a lot, and usually if she is awake, she would rather be sleeping. She has brief periods where she is awake and just taking in the world around her. She is smiling a lot more. We just had her one month check-up (even though she is 5 1/2 weeks) and she weighed in at 10.12, which is not too shabby.
Andrew has been doing very well lately. He is learning more and more about Mari, and the rest of the world, every day. He has even been able to take some good naps, as Susan has been able to get him down while Mari is napping.
Susan and I have been doing well. Mari has had a few rough nights, which have added some stress to our lives, but we are dealing.
I just put some new pics up on the picture website.
Next few weeks should be fun, as there will be many visitors. We'll keep you updated!
Mari has been a little fussy, but not too bad. She still likes to sleep a lot, and usually if she is awake, she would rather be sleeping. She has brief periods where she is awake and just taking in the world around her. She is smiling a lot more. We just had her one month check-up (even though she is 5 1/2 weeks) and she weighed in at 10.12, which is not too shabby.
Andrew has been doing very well lately. He is learning more and more about Mari, and the rest of the world, every day. He has even been able to take some good naps, as Susan has been able to get him down while Mari is napping.
Susan and I have been doing well. Mari has had a few rough nights, which have added some stress to our lives, but we are dealing.
I just put some new pics up on the picture website.
Next few weeks should be fun, as there will be many visitors. We'll keep you updated!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Alone at Last
After me being home for two weeks, and then her mom being in town for two weeks, Susan is finally spending her first full day with two kids. I was scared to call home and ask how things were doing, so when Susan called me in the mid-afternoon to tell me that things were not only going ok, but Andrew even got a nap in, I was delighted.
I guess it has been a few weeks, and a lot has happened. Susan's Mom has come and gone, as she and Gary, who came in last Thursday, left this morning to head back to Des Moines. Their visit was certainly a great help, as it allowed us a longer adjustment period.
Andrew is doing well. I would say that he is slowly learning how to treat Mari. He still doesn't understand that he can't just pull, grab, and press where he likes, but he is learning. More than anything, he likes to give her kisses. His vocabulary is exploding, and he is talking more than ever.
Mari is also doing well. She has a little cold right now, and her baby acne is hopefully going to be going away soon. She is beginning to understand that there is a world around her. She follows things with her eyes and even flashes the occassional smile. Her eyes are definitely open a lot more now. She has been spending most nights in the downstairs bedroom with Susan, as she goes to bed later than Andrew, and needs to get up sometimes in the middle of the night. Hopefully Susan and Mari will be back upstairs in the big bed soon.
The upcoming months have some fun events for us, as Susan's sisters Mary and Erin (with their kids, Nate included) will be coming on separate visits. As fall approaches we have some trips on our calendar, as we head down to Berea, KY for the Zoe Speaks Clear Creek Music Festival. We tried to go down last year, but Andrew was sick, so we didn't make it. Hopefully we won't waste our money again this year. After that we have a couple weddings up North: One in September, in Cleveland, and one in Wisconsin. These trips should be interesting, as we try to get everyone to sleep in the same hotel room.
Wow, I think that is all I have to say for now. Drop us a line with any questions/comments.
I guess it has been a few weeks, and a lot has happened. Susan's Mom has come and gone, as she and Gary, who came in last Thursday, left this morning to head back to Des Moines. Their visit was certainly a great help, as it allowed us a longer adjustment period.
Andrew is doing well. I would say that he is slowly learning how to treat Mari. He still doesn't understand that he can't just pull, grab, and press where he likes, but he is learning. More than anything, he likes to give her kisses. His vocabulary is exploding, and he is talking more than ever.
Mari is also doing well. She has a little cold right now, and her baby acne is hopefully going to be going away soon. She is beginning to understand that there is a world around her. She follows things with her eyes and even flashes the occassional smile. Her eyes are definitely open a lot more now. She has been spending most nights in the downstairs bedroom with Susan, as she goes to bed later than Andrew, and needs to get up sometimes in the middle of the night. Hopefully Susan and Mari will be back upstairs in the big bed soon.
The upcoming months have some fun events for us, as Susan's sisters Mary and Erin (with their kids, Nate included) will be coming on separate visits. As fall approaches we have some trips on our calendar, as we head down to Berea, KY for the Zoe Speaks Clear Creek Music Festival. We tried to go down last year, but Andrew was sick, so we didn't make it. Hopefully we won't waste our money again this year. After that we have a couple weddings up North: One in September, in Cleveland, and one in Wisconsin. These trips should be interesting, as we try to get everyone to sleep in the same hotel room.
Wow, I think that is all I have to say for now. Drop us a line with any questions/comments.
Friday, July 1, 2005
College Balloons Gone Wild
Well, my return to work has certainly been interesting. Along with the normal work requirements, I was greeted on Thursday with my cubicle filled with balloons, well I thought it was filled. I came back Friday to find even more balloons, this time up to my chest. Along with the balloons came a few other random decorations, that I think you will be able to figure out for yourself. Here's the pics.
Aside my my return to work, things at home are going fairly well. I have been doing half-days this week, so the real fun starts next week. Luckily, Susan's mom is coming to town to help us out.
Mari is doing well. She is starting to develop a fussy period, but it is not too bad.
Andrew appears to be adjusting to the recent changes. He is sleeping a little less, and nursing a little more, and with his new haircut, he is really cute.
I will try to get some updated pics of Andrew and Mari up this afternoon when I get home.
Keep it real.
Aside my my return to work, things at home are going fairly well. I have been doing half-days this week, so the real fun starts next week. Luckily, Susan's mom is coming to town to help us out.
Mari is doing well. She is starting to develop a fussy period, but it is not too bad.
Andrew appears to be adjusting to the recent changes. He is sleeping a little less, and nursing a little more, and with his new haircut, he is really cute.
I will try to get some updated pics of Andrew and Mari up this afternoon when I get home.
Keep it real.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Crazi Mari
Well, it has been a few weeks, but if you are one of the few people who read this, then you are probably aware that Mari has finally arrived. She came only sixteen days after her estimated date of arrival, but she is certainly ready for the real world.
She spends most of her days sleeping and nursing. She enjoys the swing, the sling, and surfing. OK, I made that last part up, but I couldn't thing of another word that begins with "s" and ends with "ing".
Anyway, if you missed the pics, here is a link: Mari's Pics.
You know where to reach us. . .
She spends most of her days sleeping and nursing. She enjoys the swing, the sling, and surfing. OK, I made that last part up, but I couldn't thing of another word that begins with "s" and ends with "ing".
Anyway, if you missed the pics, here is a link: Mari's Pics.
You know where to reach us. . .
Friday, June 10, 2005
Like Salt in our Wound
It is annoying enough that Susan is now ten days late, but to make things a little more crazy for us, yesterday was the hottest day since July 8th, 2003. This is mostly due to the fact that last summer was very cool. BUT, come on. Can't we catch a break?
For those of you who are paying enough attention to know that we were due a few days ago and wonder what is going on, we are waiting, as patiently as possible. Dr. Bowen does not have us on a strict schedule, so we do what we can to encourage labor, and we wait.
For those of you who are paying enough attention to know that we were due a few days ago and wonder what is going on, we are waiting, as patiently as possible. Dr. Bowen does not have us on a strict schedule, so we do what we can to encourage labor, and we wait.
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Na na na, It's the . . . .
Well, we have been playing the waiting game for a while now. Susan was due a week ago, and still no signs of a new Liess-Hyland. The good thing is that Susan's parents are in town to help keep everyone sane and to help with Andrew when Susan goes into labor. Also good news is that our Dr is willing to be patient with us.
We have spent the last week making minor preparations for the new kid, as all of the major ones have been finished for a few weeks. Other than that, just a lot of hanging out and waiting.
In other news:
I'm Snuffleupagus.
We have spent the last week making minor preparations for the new kid, as all of the major ones have been finished for a few weeks. Other than that, just a lot of hanging out and waiting.
In other news:
- Gary's car may be fixed.
- My car is in the shop, getting the turn signal and muffler fixed.
- The US Mens Team plays against Panama at 8:30 tonight.
- The Reds suck.
- Ten Club membership rates are going up.
- I found a cool Seattle NPR station: KEXP.
I'm Snuffleupagus.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
It's a sad day when . . .
It is a sad day when I start to check my own blog for updates, so I thought that I better make some.
Susan: Susan is doing great. She is a having a little trouble sleeping, but I would say that she is doing very well (she may say something else). In case you haven't checked our countdown page lately, she is due any day now, although we don't expect any activity until next week, or the week after.
Andrew: Andrew is also doing well. He is building his vocabulary and his ability to climb. He is extra-clingy, probably in anticipation of the impending doom that will enter his life (but believe me, he has no clue what is coming).
Rob: I am doing well. Trying to finalize some things at work before I have to take a few days off. I have also been doing a lot in the yard, including putting together and sealing our new picnic table, which has been a lengthy process for Susan and I.
Not much planned over the next few weeks, except having a kid. If you are reading this, then you are probably on the email list, but if you think that you may not be, drop us a line, and we will make sure that you are.
Susan: Susan is doing great. She is a having a little trouble sleeping, but I would say that she is doing very well (she may say something else). In case you haven't checked our countdown page lately, she is due any day now, although we don't expect any activity until next week, or the week after.
Andrew: Andrew is also doing well. He is building his vocabulary and his ability to climb. He is extra-clingy, probably in anticipation of the impending doom that will enter his life (but believe me, he has no clue what is coming).
Rob: I am doing well. Trying to finalize some things at work before I have to take a few days off. I have also been doing a lot in the yard, including putting together and sealing our new picnic table, which has been a lengthy process for Susan and I.
Not much planned over the next few weeks, except having a kid. If you are reading this, then you are probably on the email list, but if you think that you may not be, drop us a line, and we will make sure that you are.
Thursday, May 5, 2005
Been a while, huh?
It has been a long time since our last post. Nothing major happening lately.
Susan and I have begun final preparations for newbie, who will be arriving in a few weeks. We still have a few more things to get ready, but we are almost there.
Andrew is doing well and is cuter than ever. He loves to play outside, in the car, and in other people's yards. He also has a new outside swing that he really enjoys.
Susan has her last class in a few hours, and then all she needs to do to be certified is take the PRAXIS.
The rain barrel is doing well. It seems to be either feast or famine when it comes to getting it filled.
We'll keep you informed.
Susan and I have begun final preparations for newbie, who will be arriving in a few weeks. We still have a few more things to get ready, but we are almost there.
Andrew is doing well and is cuter than ever. He loves to play outside, in the car, and in other people's yards. He also has a new outside swing that he really enjoys.
Susan has her last class in a few hours, and then all she needs to do to be certified is take the PRAXIS.
The rain barrel is doing well. It seems to be either feast or famine when it comes to getting it filled.
We'll keep you informed.
Monday, April 4, 2005
Let It Rain
After weeks of planning and agonizing, it is finally ready: The Rain Barrel. I got a free 55-gallon barrel from Meier's Wine Cellars (under the advising of Linda) and put some hardware in it, put up a gutter (with some help from Alex), and finally put the two together. Now, all I need is some rain.
After being told about this project people have said, "That's great Rob, but what are you going to do with the water?" We are going to water our garden (that doesn't exist yet, but is the next project (after we paint our living room this saturday)).
Other than that, I am excited for Red's Opening Day.
Susan is still blossoming and Andrew is almost tall enough to open all the doors in our house.
We are all excited for some great Spring weather that has finally descended upon us (after a cold March). Andrew has a great time chasing around balls in the back yard (except for when I throw them on the roof or in the neighbor's yard).
Keep it real (and sorry about all the parentheses in this post)!
After being told about this project people have said, "That's great Rob, but what are you going to do with the water?" We are going to water our garden (that doesn't exist yet, but is the next project (after we paint our living room this saturday)).
Other than that, I am excited for Red's Opening Day.
Susan is still blossoming and Andrew is almost tall enough to open all the doors in our house.
We are all excited for some great Spring weather that has finally descended upon us (after a cold March). Andrew has a great time chasing around balls in the back yard (except for when I throw them on the roof or in the neighbor's yard).
Keep it real (and sorry about all the parentheses in this post)!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Back in Cincinnati
After a nice trip to Des Moines, Susan, Andrew, and I are back in Cincinnati. We came back to a very wet city, but the good weather is here now (though maybe not for long).
We had a great trip to Des Moines, even though Andrew had a few rough days. My biggest fear on this trip is always the drive and this was the most successful trip we have had yet, in that regard. On the way home we only had to stop once and made it in 8:45 (you do the math).
Now that we are back we have our hands full with things to do around the house. We need to get things ready for the new kid and also start doing some maintenance outside now that spring is here. Since there was a creek in our laundry room when we returned, one of the first things we need to do is get up a gutter over our back porch which will hook into a rain barrel.
That's it for now. Thanks for checkin' in.
We had a great trip to Des Moines, even though Andrew had a few rough days. My biggest fear on this trip is always the drive and this was the most successful trip we have had yet, in that regard. On the way home we only had to stop once and made it in 8:45 (you do the math).
Now that we are back we have our hands full with things to do around the house. We need to get things ready for the new kid and also start doing some maintenance outside now that spring is here. Since there was a creek in our laundry room when we returned, one of the first things we need to do is get up a gutter over our back porch which will hook into a rain barrel.
That's it for now. Thanks for checkin' in.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
New Look
After many months with the same blog template, I finally decided to take a chance on my own. Let me know if you notice anything weird.
You know where to reach me: in my cubicle.
You know where to reach me: in my cubicle.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Spring Fever
It has been a long time, but there is a reason for that: I am lazy.
That, and nothing major in the past few weeks. Susan, Andrew, and I have been busy hanging out with friends, getting the house ready for the new kid, and getting ready to have the new kid. In case you didn't know, Susan and I are into natural childbirth. More specifically, the Bradley Method. We are also going to be enlisting the services of a doula this time around, to help us out.
As for around the house, we finally moved the TV to the basement and got another twin bed for the upstairs bedroom. We have no clue who is going to sleep there, but it seems fairly likely that someone will. In April we need to paint one more room and a hallway. We should probably paint another wall also, but I am not too sure how much time we are going to have to get all this done. Especially since I am eager to start doing some work outside. I need to get our compost pile set up better and I also want to install a rain barrel in our back yard.
Susan is going to be finishing up her classes in May, so we can already count on two (2) hands the total number of classes she has left. She is also taking a prenatal yoga class on Saturdays that seems pretty nice.
Susan and Andrew have also begun the Parents & Tots Program at the Cincinnati Waldorf School. They have only been to one class so far, and Susan already accidentally left her folder there and took someone else's felt egg. I hope they don't get expelled.
Andrew is beginning to talk a lot more. He isn't quite ready for Hamlet's soliloquy yet, but he is definitely learning to get his point across. One really cute thing he did recently was when we were on a walk in the park a few days ago. He was picking up leaves and trying to put them back on the trees.
Drop us a line. (It's the least you can do. Unless you are one of Susan's friends and you call all the time, but she never calls you back, in which case, sorry.) UPDATE: I told Susan about this comment, and she said that if you want to know what is going on then call me, because I will call you back. The downside to this is that you will have to talk with me, which is not quite the same.
That, and nothing major in the past few weeks. Susan, Andrew, and I have been busy hanging out with friends, getting the house ready for the new kid, and getting ready to have the new kid. In case you didn't know, Susan and I are into natural childbirth. More specifically, the Bradley Method. We are also going to be enlisting the services of a doula this time around, to help us out.
As for around the house, we finally moved the TV to the basement and got another twin bed for the upstairs bedroom. We have no clue who is going to sleep there, but it seems fairly likely that someone will. In April we need to paint one more room and a hallway. We should probably paint another wall also, but I am not too sure how much time we are going to have to get all this done. Especially since I am eager to start doing some work outside. I need to get our compost pile set up better and I also want to install a rain barrel in our back yard.
Susan is going to be finishing up her classes in May, so we can already count on two (2) hands the total number of classes she has left. She is also taking a prenatal yoga class on Saturdays that seems pretty nice.
Susan and Andrew have also begun the Parents & Tots Program at the Cincinnati Waldorf School. They have only been to one class so far, and Susan already accidentally left her folder there and took someone else's felt egg. I hope they don't get expelled.
Andrew is beginning to talk a lot more. He isn't quite ready for Hamlet's soliloquy yet, but he is definitely learning to get his point across. One really cute thing he did recently was when we were on a walk in the park a few days ago. He was picking up leaves and trying to put them back on the trees.
Drop us a line. (It's the least you can do. Unless you are one of Susan's friends and you call all the time, but she never calls you back, in which case, sorry.) UPDATE: I told Susan about this comment, and she said that if you want to know what is going on then call me, because I will call you back. The downside to this is that you will have to talk with me, which is not quite the same.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
You Saw Me Standing Alone
After several days of hard work (mostly by Susan's Dad) our once worn and dirty kitchen walls have been transformed into. . . . well. . . . something better. We took down the old wall paper and applied some fresh paint to create a much more inviting space. Walking into our kitchen this morning was certainly a pleasant experience.
Aside from all the work it was a nice visit from Susan's parents who were in town since last Saturday.
In case you missed the above link, click here to view some pics of the kitchen.
Aside from all the work it was a nice visit from Susan's parents who were in town since last Saturday.
In case you missed the above link, click here to view some pics of the kitchen.
Tuesday, February 1, 2005
New Pics of Andrew
Per Kathie's request, I have added some recent pics of Andrew to his photo page.
Enjoy! ! !
In other news, I think Andrew snapped himself with a hair rubberband this morning, which could have gone over better.
I have recently developed the habit of going to bed at 9:30 and washing diapers without soap.
Susan has gone to work at the BP down the street so that we can afford to send Andrew, et al, to the Cincinnati Waldorf School.
Friday, January 28, 2005
The Return to the Court
In a stunning fashion, our volleyball team actually won last night.
It was a rough start as the other team took a commanding lead in the first game (Don't ask me what it was. I only remember that they just kept scoring.), but our team stayed strong and got our act together. We took the first game and then ran away with the second. It was truly inspiring, and I guess a little painful. I served the final point and before I served one of the girls working at the scorer's table asked me to "get this thing over with quickly." Turns out her boyfriend was the umpire, I assume, since Holly caught them exchanging lustful glances and they left the arena together. OK, so it wasn't really an arena, more of a gym, but still.
Go, Team, Go! ! ! !
It was a rough start as the other team took a commanding lead in the first game (Don't ask me what it was. I only remember that they just kept scoring.), but our team stayed strong and got our act together. We took the first game and then ran away with the second. It was truly inspiring, and I guess a little painful. I served the final point and before I served one of the girls working at the scorer's table asked me to "get this thing over with quickly." Turns out her boyfriend was the umpire, I assume, since Holly caught them exchanging lustful glances and they left the arena together. OK, so it wasn't really an arena, more of a gym, but still.
Go, Team, Go! ! ! !
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Cruise Control
Well, for the past few weeks, we have been on cruise control. Andrew is feeling better and acting like it. He is even beginning to sleep better of late, which could change at any time.
Susan's belly is popping out. Our Dr. told us that it is time to start working our birth plan, which is always fun.
Susan's classes are going.
We have some major changes planned for our house in the coming months, including, but not limited to: painting, moving furniture, and (my favorite part) setting up our stereo in a better place. Hopefully our TV is going to make its way downstairs, which would be nice. Maybe the computer should go with it? just a thought.
Anyway, nothin' major coming up. Hopefully Susan's parents are going to come visit soon, which is always fun.
Volleyball starts tonight for my team from work. We got bounced from the preseason tournament pretty quickly, so hopefully we will do better in league play.
Susan's belly is popping out. Our Dr. told us that it is time to start working our birth plan, which is always fun.
Susan's classes are going.
We have some major changes planned for our house in the coming months, including, but not limited to: painting, moving furniture, and (my favorite part) setting up our stereo in a better place. Hopefully our TV is going to make its way downstairs, which would be nice. Maybe the computer should go with it? just a thought.
Anyway, nothin' major coming up. Hopefully Susan's parents are going to come visit soon, which is always fun.
Volleyball starts tonight for my team from work. We got bounced from the preseason tournament pretty quickly, so hopefully we will do better in league play.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Hell Week
Well, after a rough week and a half, Susan, Andrew and I are settling back into our normal existence. Andrew welcomed us back to Cincinnati by throwing up in bed, twice, and then pooping in the bath tub. I think that he was trying to tell us that he was not feeling well.
So last week was hell. He didn't really want to sleep and was always in a fussy mood. The good side of all this: his ears came out unscathed, so maybe they are on an upswing (hopefully to never come back down, but I doubt it!).
Another good thing that has come out of the last week is that Susan and I have been reminded of how truly blessed we are by Andrew. Now that he is well again he is a lot of fun to be around and to play with.
So there is a little Andrew update.
Susan's classes have started again. Today we made the semi-annual trip to the bookstore to see what she needed. Her one book was $100, so we went to the internet, where we found it for $70. Gotta love
I have just been getting settled back in at work. Normal stuff.
So last week was hell. He didn't really want to sleep and was always in a fussy mood. The good side of all this: his ears came out unscathed, so maybe they are on an upswing (hopefully to never come back down, but I doubt it!).
Another good thing that has come out of the last week is that Susan and I have been reminded of how truly blessed we are by Andrew. Now that he is well again he is a lot of fun to be around and to play with.
So there is a little Andrew update.
Susan's classes have started again. Today we made the semi-annual trip to the bookstore to see what she needed. Her one book was $100, so we went to the internet, where we found it for $70. Gotta love
I have just been getting settled back in at work. Normal stuff.
Monday, January 3, 2005
After getting our tire fixed, Susan, Andrew and I have made it back from Des Moines. We spent the week after Christmas hanging out with her family. There was much celebrating: Christmas, New Years, and Ian's 1st Birthday Party. By far my favorite part of the trip was doing the Sesame Street Exercise record. Yes, record. We have survived yet another holiday season and are now trying to get ready for Susan's last semester of school.
Andrew is walking better than ever and his speech patterns seem to be developing. Not sure what language he speaks, but we will figure it out.
Tomorrow we are hosting the computer science reunion at our house, which should be a good time.
Other than that, just working on the house and playing with Andrew.
Andrew is walking better than ever and his speech patterns seem to be developing. Not sure what language he speaks, but we will figure it out.
Tomorrow we are hosting the computer science reunion at our house, which should be a good time.
Other than that, just working on the house and playing with Andrew.
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