Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Daily Schedule

I thought it would be fun to tell you what our daily weekday schedule is like. Here you go:

Mari usually wakes up between 6:00 and 7:30. I take her downstairs, and Susan rolls over to nurse Andrew, who is still sleeping. Mari and I hang out downstairs, washing diapers, cleaning the kitchen, showering, listening to NPR, and listening for Andrew. Usually Mari falls asleep after about 45 minutes, and I am able to lay her down. If Andrew wakes up before she goes down for nap 1, then she is usually up longer. Andrew usually gets out of bed between 7 and 8.

Once Andrew is up, I get a lot less done. Usually we eat some breakfast. If Mari is still awake, then this is usually when she falls asleep. Then we all read/build a train/play with toys. I wake Susan up between 8:20 and 8:30, then it is off to work for me. Mari's first nap usually only lasts about 45 minutes, so she is usually up before I head off to work.

Susan and the kids usually do one out-of-the-house activity in the morning. This could include going to the library, museum, zoo, or a friends house. They come home, eat some lunch, and then it is time for naps. Mari falls asleep first, then Susan has to get Andrew to bed before Mari wakes up, which could be anywhere from 30 to 45 mins. Once they are all awake, they usually just hang out, playing, wandering around the neighborhood.

I work until 4:30, so I am home by five. We make dinner, eat it, and then we usually do an evening activity. This could include visiting family or friends, shopping, or walking. By 8:30 we usually head upstairs and put some diapers and pajamas on the kids. I rock Andrew to bed, while Susan gets Mari to sleep downstairs. After the kids are asleep, we usually watch TV for an hour or two, then head to bed ourselves, to do it all again.

Other random notes:
  • Mari and Andrew are now wearing the same size disposable diaper
  • Andrew still loves to sing, and Mari loves to hear it
  • That's all I have for now. Until next time . . .

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

We Did It

I know what you are thinking ("Of course you did, you have two kids.") We bought a cell phone. I have been an active opponent to cell-phone use (or over-use) for a while, especially when someone is on my couch, but I caved. Susan and I decided that it would be nice to be reachable when we are out on a date (and I like her having the extra bit of security during her normal existence). I would post the number, but we only have 268 minutes left for the whole year.

We have all really enjoyed the warm weather the past week has brought, but that is about to come to an end, which means more time inside, and maybe more time playing in the toy department at Target. It was great weather for gathering/playing-with leaves and destinationless walks around our block.

As winter approaches I am more excited about next spring's outdoor projects than this winter's indoor ones. Maybe I need to come up with a more concrete plan for the winter.

Mari is in the early stages of sitting. She is getting stronger and stronger every day. Her coordination is improving.

Andrew is still Andrew. Still loves pizza, Simon & Rachel, and Pony Rides. Counting is getting better. He hated his last haircut(means), as well as mine(end).

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Daylight Saving Time

Nothing like getting up at 4:30 in the morning, before Morning Edition, before the local news shows start in the morning, and long before The Home Depot even opens. Before work today I managed to: dry the diapers, watch some TV, take a nap (for about 15 minutes), go to the grocery store, clean up from last nights dinner, eat breakfast, get Mari down for not one, but two naps, and go to the bank. Not bad for a Tuesday morning. The only thing that I didn't get done this morning was a little reading, but I guess that is my fault for opting to nap, which is always a good idea at 5:15.

Other than getting up early (and going to bed early) things are going well. Andrew had a fun/cute halloween, although he was very tired. He is starting this thing where when he gets tired at night he looks like a bored student in a three-hour class. He kinda slouches/hunches/nods into a strange state of awakenessitude.

Mari is getting bigger at an alarming rate. She is interacting a lot more and is playing with some toys. She will shortly be wearing the same size diaper as Andrew.