Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Goodbye, Elizabeth

Tonight, Andrew decided he did not want to sleep with Elizabeth anymore. She only lasted three days. We are keeping her around in case she decides to make a comeback.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Pacifier Fairy

Andrew had been saying for a while that he was ready to stop using his pacifiers, but his actions were speaking louder than his words. On Saturday, we decided it was time.

We hung his pacifiers in a tree and the pacifier fairy came and took them, leaving a note and a little frog (though he insists it is a bear) for him to cuddle with. He named the frog/bear Elizabeth Kevin Nick, and he has been sleeping with it ever since. He has very well, with no problems so far.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Andrew's School Birthday

Susan, Mari, Elliot, B-Bob and I got to go to Andrew's school this morning to celebrate his school birthday. It was supposed to be a couple weeks ago but he was sick, which worked out well because I had a meeting that morning I could not miss.

Birthdays are a very special time in the Waldorf Community, and there is a special ceremony they celebrate in Andrew's class. We got there at 10:45, just in time for snack. Miss Carmy made a cake, and we provided a fruit salad. They sang their birthday song and Andrew blew out the candles. While we all sat around and ate Miss Carmy read through the birthday card book they had put together for Andrew. Every child draws a picture and writes a little (very little) note. After cleaning up we headed into another room and gathered in a circle. Miss Carmy told a semi-customized birthday story (same story, different names) about Andrew and then we all got to go outside and hang out for a while, until pick-up time, which is at noon.

It was nice to get a glimpse into Andrew's world and nice to get to see all the kids in his class. Andrew was thrilled and made his signature excitement/bashful face a few times throughout the morning.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Final Dose

Elliot had his last dose of Bactrim this morning. He has been on antibiotics for almost three weeks now, and his butt is looking good. Hopefully we will get a little break now from the medicine.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hard to Believe

I think I forgot to mention that Andrew's fourth birthday was last week. He had some fun birthday parties, with his school party still to come. He did not go to school on the day it was scheduled because he was not feeling well.

There are some nice pics in the 2007 II photo gallery, including some good piƱata action shots.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Swine

I have a lot of fish on mine;
I think enough to feed the swine.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Stayin' Home

We were supposed to cut out of Cincinnati on Saturday for a week-long road trip, but Elliot is still having some perirectal abscess issues, so we are going to skip the trip.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Baptism & Camping Pictures

I added some pictures from Elliot's baptism and from our camping trip to the 2007 gallery.

I also created a new gallery with some pictures that Susan's friend Maribeth took for us while we were visiting last July.

Perirectal Abscess

Elliot has a Perirectal Abscess. Hopefully it will go away with some home treatment, otherwise it will have to be opened and drained.

Monday, October 1, 2007


We went camping last weekend. We were originally slated to stay Friday & Saturday night, then Susan talked me into only going for Saturday night, then it was so nice on Friday I convinced her we should just go down and see what happens. Well, we left at dinner time on Saturday, which turned out to be a good call, in my opinion.

Sunday was nice. We got some stuff cleared out and had a nice, relaxing day.