Thursday, July 8, 2004

Looks Good On Paper

Well, we signed the contract last night, so now it is only a matter of getting an inspection and completing the rest of the details. Hopefully all will go well so that we will be in a home by mid-August.

In a rather interesting note, we have our last home-buying class tonight, which is about all the stuff you are supposed to do before you start looking for a home, like getting a loan pre-approved. We think that we are going to go, just in case. A little more information can never be a bad thing.

Other than working on getting a house, our lives these days are filled with fairly normal things. We have been hanging and with friends during our free time. Susan has spent the past few days babysitting for the family she was with two summers ago. Rob spends his extra time trying to think of ways to convince Susan to let him keep his snake.

1 comment:

  1. rob forgot to mention that he spends most of his time trying to convince susan that what they really need is a 100 disc cd player. good luck :)
