Thursday, August 12, 2004

Almost There

The house is coming along great. So far we have taken up the carpet in two rooms and painted one. We have almost finished most of the preparation for the move in, which is scheduled for Saturday. Hopefully tomorrow we are going to have our last bit of ugly, old carpet replaced.

Yesterday Gary, Kathie, Simon*, and Susan cleaned the kitchen walls, which looked like the inside of the chimney. My mom, Marilyn, also discoved that the dark grout in the kitchen floor isn't dark at all, it just needs a good scrubbin'.

We are gonna beat this thing! ! !

*Please see comments.


  1. I most certainly did not scrub the kitchen walls. I could be seen carrying boxes, ripping out staples from the floor or just standing around (my specialty).

  2. I would like to apologize for accusing Simon of helping to clean the kitchen walls. I can remember seeing him in the kitchen. I suppose that I assumed he was helping in there. I promise that such a mistake will never be made again.
