Thursday, September 9, 2004

Where's the Footage?

Well, I guess it has been a while, huh? I was planning on putting up some video of Andrew, but my computer at work doesn't have the latest copy of movie maker on it.

Things are going well in the new house. We continue to get settled in and throw money into strange things, such as grass seed and shelves. Nothing major has gone wrong yet, but I am sure the entire thing is going up in flames even as I type. Actually, I just talked to Susan, who assured me that the house is not on fire.

In other news, our friends Mike & Laura just closed on a house that is in the same neighborhood as us. Their house is about 1 1/2 miles away, but that is still super close.

Andrew is getting older. The other day I handed him the brush that we use on his hair and he started to brush it himself. Then he threw it.

Susan is also developing well. She is able to walk up and down the stairs with ease and she is also feeding herself. If only we could get her to shower more often. . .

1 comment:

  1. what are you talking about rob, we all know you are the stinky one:)
