Monday, October 25, 2004

The Latest News

It has been a while, with nothing major to report, so i thought I would just give you a little update on what is going on. We have been pretty busy since Mary visited two weeks ago.

Last week we flirted with buying some new furniture, but that may have to wait a bit.

Andrew has been good, but he has an ear infection again and he has been a little whiney. Hopefully it will pass soon. Here is a link to some pics of him: Andrew Pics. I have added some new pics recently, so check them out.

We had a brief visit from our friends Nick (from St. Louis) and Jeff (from Alaska) last week, which was great. It was a great opportunity to hang out with some great friends.

After our last pumpkin was destoyed Susan carved another one at B.Y.O.P 2004. We left this one at Simon & Rachel's so that it would be safe from harm. Also, it was nice to hear from Devon, who reported that their pumpkin met a similar fate to ours.

I think that is it for our lives. We have some fun weeks ahead, including halloween, a visit form Susan's parents, and a trip to Des Moines at Thanksgiving. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated.

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