Monday, October 10, 2005

Andrew is TWO! ! ! ! !

Andrew turns two today, which is exciting. His birthday is a lot different this year, as he is able to understand a little more. He is excited about singing, presents, cake. . . all those good things.

We just got back from a great trip to Champaign, IL with the Des Moines extension of our family. We met at a hotel on Friday night and spent the weekend hanging out. Susan's favorite times were in the morning when everyone was just hanging out (and synchronized swimming). I really enjoyed the birthday party that everyone put together for Andrew. Click here for some pics.

Andrew and Mari have been doing great and did very well on the trip. Mari slept well in the car, and they both slept well at the hotel.

Mari is getting more and more fun every day. She is interacting a lot now and loves to smile, when she is in a good mood. She still spends a lot of time sleeping, but I bet that will change over the next few months.

The next few weeks bring some fun times, but nothing major. We'll keep you updated.

Click here to view some updated pics of Andrew and Mari.

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