Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ear Infection

Mari has her first ear infection. She cried a lot last night. We were finally able to get her to go to bed by giving her some Tylenol and she actually had one of her best sleeping nights ever. She was still fussy this morning so we took her in. At least now we know what is wrong.

This Spring will be an exciting time around our house. There is no big news, but there is a lot happening. Susan's sister, Mary, Mary's son, Luke, and Kathie just left after visiting a few days. Gary is coming to town this weekend, and Kathie flies back in on Monday. We also have soccer starting up, weddings, showers, PJ in Detroit. Our weekends are filling up fast. Hopefully we will still have plenty of time to enjoy our back yard. I also can't wait to put our tent to use.

That's all for now.

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