Monday, May 15, 2006

Fillin' Up

I'm not talking about gas. I'm talking about our house. Erin, Nate, & Ian are visiting right now, which means that we are just about filled to capacity. With Julie in the basement and kids all over the place, we don't have room for many more people.

The Reagens (E, N, & I) got into town on Saturday for a quick little visit. So far we haven't gotten around to doing much, with so many naps taking place. I think that they were going to try to do something today, but I am at work, so I don't really know.

The kids are well. Mari is eating more and more. Andrew is Andrew.

Susan is Susan. I think that she is trying to take up knitting, but I am not sure if that will catch on. I don't quite know if the embroidering wave has passed yet.

That's all I got.

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