Thursday, August 17, 2006

Liesland Number 5

As I am sure anyone who reads this knows by now, Susan is pregant again, and we are all geared up for a new baby in February. Susan and I are really excited, Andrew has no clue (we think), and Mari really has no clue. Susan has been feeling well most of the time. She is tired, which she is apparently OK with, since she has been tired since she was pregnant with Andrew. She went through a brief period where should would have waves of nausea, but that time appears to have passed.

We are coming off of a couple weeks of sick kids. Mari was sick last week, and Andrew is just recovering from being sick for a few days. Hopefully we will go a while without being sick again, because this wasn't much fun.

Mari is getting cuter and cuter everyday. She will now take a few steps in a row and will be walking full-out soon. She is finally starting to warm up to strangers (aka, our friends) and loves to play with Andrew. As she gets older and more mobile it is great to see her and Andrew play together.

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