Monday, September 18, 2006

2001 Mazda MPV

After years of waiting, I finally have my minivan. I have been wanting a minivan for a while now, and Susan and I finally bought a 2001 Mazda MPV.

We had to get a minivan because when we have another kid in Feb we need to have room for all of the carseats.

Things have been very busy lately. We are still trying to sell our house, and now we are also trying to sell Susan's Sonata. Neither of these processes are going very fast. We are thinking about getting a realtor soon, to help the house go faster.

Mari is walking. She finally kicked it into gear about ten days ago and loves to walk. She loves to go outside and walk down the sidewalk.

I put some new pics up.

Susan is starting to show a little bit.

I think that's it for now. We'll keep you updated.

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