Thursday, October 19, 2006

Make it Two

Andrew had another accidentless day yesterday. I am not sure if he made it all night without peeing in his diaper, but I am sure that he woke us up at 1:23 because he had to pee.

Yesterday we went to the Northside Farmers Market because Susan's La Leche League group was selling baked goods, books and knit goods. It was one of those moments as a parent when I could just sit back (for a minute or two) and enjoy watching the kids learn and explore. Andrew and Mari are at a point right now where things are pretty predicatable. They have a good routine and are fairly trustworthy.

There were four deer eating breakfast in our back yard this morning. They would go behind the bushes and Mari would say "hiding." When they came back out she would say "peak-a-boo!" I wonder if they even knew they were playing.

Tonight we are going to the Roman's to share some pizza in celebration of Gabe's 4th birthday. When we first met Gabe Susan was pregnant with Andrew and Gabe wasn't even one yet. It is amazing to see how things have evolved over the past few years. I think these are thoughts I am supposed to have on my kids' birthdays (and I do), but I also think that memories of Gabe will always persist because of my exposure to him while I was still in my parental infancy.

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