Wednesday, January 3, 2007

We're Back, Again

Last night we returned to Cincinnati after spending a week in Des Moines. We headed out there the day after Christmas.

Dec 26 - Drive all Day
Dec 27 - Flat tire, play with the kids all day while we get it fixed
Dec 28 - Hang out
Dec 29 - Finally get out of the house
Dec 30 - Liess Family Christmas
Dec 31 - Party late into the night (just kidding)
Jan 01 - Hang out
Jan 02 - Head Home

That is a brief run-down of how things went. It was a fun trip. Susan got to see some of her friends. Andrew and Mari got to play with their cousins. I got to watch some football with Gary and Nate. There was even a little snow while we were there.

Now that we are back, it is time to do some work on the house. We are going to be painting the old toy/computer room and making it into a bedroom. We also brought back a new dresser from Susan's parents' house. The dresser is not really new, but it is new to us. It could use a good paint job, but I think that it will sufficiently hold #3's clothes.

I think that's all for now.

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