Monday, June 18, 2007

Mari is Two!

Yesterday we celebrated Mari's second birthday. Susan's parents are in town, and my family came over for some sandwiches, presents, and dessert. The party was fairly low-key, with simple foods and a lot of playing. It seemed to me to be a lot of fun. I think that Mari is now old enough to consciously have more fun than ever before, as is Andrew.

For those of you who don't get to spend much time with Mari, she is a very interesting little girl. She is very dramatic in everything that she does. She likes to be wild and have fun. Last week at the Y we were playing in the baby pool and I was spinning her around as fast as I could and dragging her all over the pool, similar to when you are water skiing and you lose a ski. She was having a blast and could have gone all day. She loves to play with Andrew, and loves to try to play with Elliot. She tends to be fairly quiet when things are going on, but when things slow down her mouth runs faster than her two little feet. She likes to talk and sing, usually making up her own songs.

Happy Birthday Mari!

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