Friday, June 20, 2008

Minneapolis or Bust

We started off this morning spending a few more hours at camp gray. Jeff was up early with us and we at breakfast, walked around camp a little, and then we were off.

We had about three or four more hours to Minneapolis, and the drive went well. Elliot has been taking his naps in the car. Mari has not. We arrived in Minneapolis in the middle of the afternoon. We are staying with Maribeth, Susan's friend from high school, and her husband Eric. We stayed with them last summer as well, and had a great time.

After we got settled in we decided to go for a walk to a pizza place. Just as we were leaving a storm blew in, which made our walk interesting. There was not a lot of thunder and lightning, but there was a lot of wind. It was a nice contrast to the many hours that we had been spending in the car. We enjoyed a lovely barbecue chicken pizza, and then headed home for bed.

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