Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Final Week

So, as you may know, we sold our house. We are set to close on Friday. There is a truck coming to take all of our stuff on Thursday. It is going to be parked in Des Moines for a couple weeks while we get things finished up there.

Things have been a little crazy lately, with getting out of our current house, trying to get into a new house, and trying to live our normal lives. The three kids have certainly kept things interesting for us.

I would say that 75% of our house is packed. We will finish up over the next few evenings, dwindling down to just the things that we will keep with us for the couple weeks that we are staying at Erin & Nate's.

We are definitely excited to have finally sold our house, but leaving Cincinnati will be hard. We had a couple of parties over the weekend and it was hard to say good-bye to everyone, not knowing when we will see them again. I know that we will see most people again, but I also know that things will never be the same, and a lot of the relationships that we have here will fade away with time.

There is a good chance that a week from now, I will be blogging from Des Moines. I'll let you know.

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