Thursday, January 22, 2009

Snow Days

We had some good weather today, so we decided to take the new bike trailer out for a spin. Since Susan doesn't have a bike yet, we attached the stroller converter, loaded in the kids, and went for our first family walk in the new neighborhood. It was a nice walk followed by a grill-out/hang-out in the backyard. We had a fire in the fire pit and a fire in the grill.

The kids played in their recently completed 'snow house'. We started building it a couple days ago and Susan and the kids finished it today. It is cool, but in the traditional American style I want to build a bigger one next time. They also put together a nice snowman in the back yard, whose name is Andrew Mari Elliot. Both the house and the snowman should last a while, as temps are supposed to be pretty low over the next few days.

Also, someone stole one of my license plates. I guess I have to get my IA plates now.

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