Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Our Garden

We plan on having a nice vegetable garden of some sort at our new house. We aren't totally sure yet what form it is going to take, but we definitely have plans.

This past weekend we start some seeds. We started 12 tomato plants and we have plans to start some cucumbers in a few weeks.

We don't know where we are going to get a lot of sun, so we are going to have to see how our garden plays out over the next couple of years. We have visions of raised-beds and containers. I want to plant a garden in our tree-lawn - the area between our sidewalk and the street. We have a corner lot, so we have 150 feet of curb that runs down the side of our house. It will be a little weird to try a garden there, but I think it could work, and it wouldn't have to take up any space in our yard.

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