Sunday, April 19, 2009


We just got back from a week-long visit to Cincinnati. We drove there last Saturday, meeting my parents as they returned from an Easter dinner in Columbus. On Sunday we hunted for eggs, went to Mass, and attended Easter dinner with some folks from my Mom's family - mostly just the Van Horns.

Monday I was off, so we ran some Cincinnati errands - including trips to Kroger, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods. I also got to stop by my eye Dr, so he could tell me I have pink eye. I could have told him that, but then maybe he would have had to pay me, so we just kept it the way it is supposed to be.

Tuesday, and for the rest of the week, I was off to work. Susan spent her days visiting Cincinnati friends and doing Cincinnati things. We also had the chance to catch up with some friends during the evenings, which was nice.

Saturday we were off to Bloomington, IN for my cousin's wedding. It was a nice wedding, and it was nice to see some folks from the Hyland clan. We stayed in a hotel after the wedding, as we do maybe one or two times a year. This was our easiest stay ever - I think because the kids are getting older. They are sleeping better than ever and Andrew is getting to the age where we hardly have to worry about him at all.

Sunday morning we were up just before the continental breakfast ended, grabbed a bite to eat, hit the road and were home by dinner time.

Mimi & Papa were waiting for us when we arrived, with some real food, which we definitely needed.

Welcome home, us.

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