Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grilled Pizza

Kathie, Susan's mom, made some great grilled pizzas last night. First she grilled the crust for a few minutes, put some toppings on, and then grilled a little longer. My favorite was the BBQ Chicken & Mango.

While she borrowed the neighbors' grill, the kids had a great time jumping on the trampoline with their cousins.

PS - This is actually a double-post, as I also posted it on my the dinner blog. I was going to just post it there, but I decided to post it on both.

Photo Update

I just added about 60 pictures to our 2009 photo gallery - including shots from the Spring up through our recent vacation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kicking in the Rain

We had our first official soccer practice tonight for Andrew's soccer team. It rained all day and I was hoping it would take a break for practice, but no luck. The kids had a great time, and I think the adults enjoyed it also. Our first game is Saturday.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

East Coast

On Thursday, we got back from a two week vacation. We spent five days in Cincinnati, for my cousin Jeff's wedding, five days in Leesburg, VA, for a work conference, and then three days in Virginia Beach. The trip was capped off with two straight days of driving - the first being nauseously hilly, the second being mind-numbingly flat.

It was a really fun trip and everything went well. It was nice to see family/friends/coworkers while in Cincinnati. We were really busy, but we got to see a lot of people.

The conference in Leesburg was for ColdFusion, a programming language that I use for work. I had a great time at the conference and Susan and the kids had a nice time at the hotel. They were swimming for at least 4 hours every day and the kids had a great time.

Once that was over we got to have a few days of real vacation in Virginia Beach. The kids (and I) really liked playing in the ocean. It took a little while to get used to all the sand, and the taste of the water, but after that it was smooth sailing.

Some time in the next few days I will get some pictures posted.