Sunday, August 23, 2009

East Coast

On Thursday, we got back from a two week vacation. We spent five days in Cincinnati, for my cousin Jeff's wedding, five days in Leesburg, VA, for a work conference, and then three days in Virginia Beach. The trip was capped off with two straight days of driving - the first being nauseously hilly, the second being mind-numbingly flat.

It was a really fun trip and everything went well. It was nice to see family/friends/coworkers while in Cincinnati. We were really busy, but we got to see a lot of people.

The conference in Leesburg was for ColdFusion, a programming language that I use for work. I had a great time at the conference and Susan and the kids had a nice time at the hotel. They were swimming for at least 4 hours every day and the kids had a great time.

Once that was over we got to have a few days of real vacation in Virginia Beach. The kids (and I) really liked playing in the ocean. It took a little while to get used to all the sand, and the taste of the water, but after that it was smooth sailing.

Some time in the next few days I will get some pictures posted.

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