Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Still Rollin'

Well, now that we have signed a contract and things are underway at the bank, it is only a matter of time. There are still a few different things that could hold us up, but since the inspection went well the number of major obstacles has dwindled to zero. Hopefully we will hear from the bank with a closing date soon. We should close in early August and then the real work begins. Here is a preliminary list of things that we hope to get done before we move in:

  • Change the light fixture on the front porch

  • Get some screens for the storm doors

  • Have the carpet cleaned

  • Fix/Tighten Kitchen cabinets & Counters

  • Fix the Stove Fan

  • Put the screens in the windows

  • Fix the Gutters

  • Get some blinds put in

  • Fix the shelves in the bedroom closets

  • Put a transition strip in the bathroom

  • Tighten Railings

  • Clean out the drains

  • Put of corner strips on the walls

  • Change some of the fans

  • Get a new light fixture for the dining room

  • Change the locks

  • Get some shelves for the bathroom

  • Get a new fuse for the stove

  • Get new sink fixtures

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