Sunday, December 26, 2004

The After-Party

Well, for those of you who left the family christmas party early, let's just say that you may have missed something:

The After-Party

It is about 21MB, so I would recommend right-clicking on the link and choosing "Save Target As". After you save it to your machine, you can just double-click on the file and the computer should know what to do from there.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Third Time is the Charm

For the third time last night, Susan and I lost another rocking chair. We have now officially broken two rockers and a glider since Andrew was born. Last night was our saddest loss. When I sat down to rock Andrew to bed the rocking chair that we got from Susan's parents broke. This chair has been around for a while, and hopefully the $85 that I paid the chair-repair guy will do the trick.

In other fun news, I bought a new snow shovel this morning in preparation for the white death that will (hopefully) descend upon Cincinnati over the next few days. I don't mind the white death, but the cold to follow won't be much fun.

Susan, Andrew and I are gearing up for another fun holiday season. Last year was rough because Andrew wasn't very happy, so hopefully this year will be better.

Let is snow!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Popping the Question

So, life has been pretty normal lately. We are getting a lot of shopping done and hanging out. We had some cool plans pass us by as our trip to Cleveland was cancelled due to me getting the 24 hour flu and leaving me crippled on the couch instead of up North partying, but things like this are bound to happen.

Susan is wrapping up another amazing semester. She never fails to impress me with how she can breeze through her classes. I think that she was born to be a school counselor. Next semester she just has two classes, and then another chapter is over (just in time for another to begin!).

Andrew has been walking a lot more, but he is still not ready for the marathon. I would say that these days he is walking a little more than he is crawling, but when he really needs to get somewhere he crawls.

Nothing really new in my world. Good news on the Pearl Jam front as they have a new album planned and a tour also. Hopefully their plans will come to fruition.

Happy Solstice. Don't be scared of the dark.

Monday, December 6, 2004

The Return to Normalcy

Well, after a hectic past few weeks, Susan, Andrew, Newbie, and I are starting to get back into the normal swing of things. Mid-November passed with a whimper, but late November more than made up for it. Here is a little run-down of the crazy past two weeks of our lives.

We were all set to leave for Des Moines on November 23rd for T-giving when I got a call on the previous Sunday (the 21st) from my sister who said that my dad was in the hospital because he was having some chest pains. Anyway, turns out his heart was trying to tell him something. By Wednesday (the 24th) he was doing much better, so Susan, Andrew and I got in the car at 4 in the afternoon on Weds to began the nine hour trip to Des Moines, or should I say La Salle, IL.

Our trip began very well. It was very warm in cincy and partly cloudy. I knew that we were in for some rough weather on the road ahead, but I don't think that I really knew what we were in for. About an hour into our drive, and also into Indiana, we passed some cars and a semi that had all mysteriously left the highway about 50ft from a massive tree that was lying on the ground. Turns out we narrowly missed a tornado sweeping through the area, that was lucky.

Illinois was not lucky. Not long after we passed through Indy I said to Susan, "The rain looks like snow." Turns out, it was snow. It wasn't long before we were going 35 mph and by the time we reached the junction of 55 and 74 in central Illinois we were parked on the highway. We, along with everyone else on the road, were now in search of a hotel. Well, by 1 o'clock in the morning we managed to find one in LaSalle, IL. We had changed routes since 74 was a parking and headed North to find salvation in the form of a Super 8 (with some help from Erin and Nate).

On Thanksgiving morning we woke up to sunny skies and clear roads. By the time we were into Iowa the snow had disappeared from the scene and the rolling hills were blanketed by the sweet sight of old corn stalks.

Soooo, we eventually made it to Des Moines, where we had a great time hanging out with Susan's family. Andrew got to know (and fear) his cousin Ian. He made tremendous strides in his effort to walk while we were there thanks to plenty of help from the family.

We came back to Cincy on Nov 30 in anticipation of Dec 1 when our new furniture was due to arrive. It came (minus one slip-cover) as scheduled, and it looks great in our living room.

That brings us up to this weekend. Many of my college friends were in town, which is always fun. Friday night we had a nice, relaxing dinner with our friends Simon and Rachel (who are always in town). Saturday night we went to a Christmas party at Holly's and then after Andrew went to bed I went out and sang some karaoke with friends. It was amazing how people come out of the woodwork when just a few people are going to be in town.

We all went out for breakfast on Sunday and then Susan, Andrew, and I went out and got our christmas tree. It was pretty exciting to get our first tree as a married couple and put it up in our first house.

In the upcoming weeks we have all the normal holiday business, and I look forward to it! ! !