Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Third Time is the Charm

For the third time last night, Susan and I lost another rocking chair. We have now officially broken two rockers and a glider since Andrew was born. Last night was our saddest loss. When I sat down to rock Andrew to bed the rocking chair that we got from Susan's parents broke. This chair has been around for a while, and hopefully the $85 that I paid the chair-repair guy will do the trick.

In other fun news, I bought a new snow shovel this morning in preparation for the white death that will (hopefully) descend upon Cincinnati over the next few days. I don't mind the white death, but the cold to follow won't be much fun.

Susan, Andrew and I are gearing up for another fun holiday season. Last year was rough because Andrew wasn't very happy, so hopefully this year will be better.

Let is snow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Which rocking chair was it? It wasn't the new one you just got was it?
