Monday, January 30, 2006


I thought that the main subject of this post was going to be the fact that Andrew peed in the toilet for the first time this weekend, but Mari just trumped that one. Susan just called and said that the police just stopped by our house to check in on a 9-1-1 hang-up. Susan thinks that Mari must have been the culprit.

Anyways, Andrew peed in the toilet this weekend. I did not witness it, but I believe that Susan is telling the truth. On Sunday morning he stood in the dining room and said "Here comes by poop!" I tried to convince him to go use the toilet, but he responded with "No, it's my poop." OK.

Mari's cold is trailing off. I am in the middle of mine. I can't tell you what is going on with Susan's. She wasn't feeling too well yesterday, but she says that she is feeling better today.

We are coming off a good weekend, though it is hard to tell since we all feel like zombies. We got some yardwork done (spring-cleaning in January), hung out with some friends, and then on Sunday we got things re-organized around the house, which was nice.

I'll keep you updated. . .

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