Friday, January 20, 2006

Finally! ! !

After working for a couple of weeks, I have finally converted the website into its new form. This was partially because I was tired of the old scheme and partially in celebration of buying I have had the .org address for a while, but I finally got the .com, so I figured I better do something good.

Things are going well in Cincinnati right now. It is nice to have a little slow-down after the holidays so that Andrew, Mari, Susan, and I can spend more hanging-out time together.

The new year hasn't brought too many changes. Andrew, Mari, and Susan began attending Parents and Tots again at the Cincinnati Waldorf School. I have been trying to run more. Susan has also started running again. We are looking for a double stroller so that we can run together. I guess we have a few more months before more kid-friendly running weather, but it has been so warm lately that we have had plenty of opportunities.

As always, we'll keep you updated.

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